Stories from Beverley’s daughter, Hannah

Created by Hannah 2 years ago
"Mom was a tone deaf and she would always start off singing quietly, but gradually get louder. Although it didn't always sound on key, it was definitely joyful. 

We loved to watch wedding dress shows together for as long as I can remember but I was always adamant I would never wear a wedding dress, so she always said she was excited to see what pair of dungarees I get married in. One of the last times we watched one together I detailed the exact kind of dress I would want to wear, she said it sounded beautiful. 

Our birthdays are close together so we would always go to garden centres and afternoon tea around that time to celebrate, they were our favourite things to do. 

Her nicknames for me were dolly daydream and munchkin, when I was younger I would always protest to being called these which she found hilarious. 

Her scouse accent seemed to get stronger over the phone which she did not believe until I played her a voicemail she had left me, she was horrified! 

One time when I was sick as a toddler, she stayed up all night with me watching pingu and giving me water out of a tiny barbie cup because that's all I would drink out of. 

She always said she didn't understand why people called their pets their babies, until we got a dog and Bonzo became the youngest sibling."
